Sunday, November 23, 2014

Building Up Smart Machinery for Sustainable Development


When we think about futures challenges of the world, we can note that there are still vital basic needs which should be met. The explosion in the world´s population appears to be slowing down. Fifty years ago an average woman had between 5-6 children. Today global average is 2.6 children, while the replacement level is 2.3.  In European Union, U.S., China, Japan and Russia, the population is shrinking. In many developing countries population is increasing.

The overall world population continues to grow, because many less developed and developing countries have relatively young demographic profiles. This is also demographic situation in the Mekong-river countries.

Mahatma Gandhi once said: “It took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve its prosperity. How many planets will a country like India require?” This question is very relevant today, when the BRICSA countries and other developing countries are developing their economies. Today we can ask: “What if China would aspire to the standards of living of the U.S.A.?” The hard truth is that we already consuming more than one Earth can support. We have already transgressed safe planetary boundaries in many respects. Biodiversity is stressed to limits in many countries. We have surpassed the carrying capacity of Earth´s climate with a factor of 1.5. 
Key conclusion is: Our planet needs much more smarter machinery for sustainable development.
We shall need more food, water, and housing in the future. People have begun to eat more meat, more dairy products, and consume more energy. All these issues mean that we should produce commodities in a sustainable way. Already now China and a number of Arab countries are already buying up huge areas of farmland in Africa to secure their own food supplies.
Climate change will make things more challenging in food and water management. The road and vision to sustainable development will not be easy to reach.
What sustainable development requires? It requires (1) more sustainable lifestyles, (2) ecological land use, (3) eco-innovations and clean technologies and (4) better resource productivity. We need this kind of smart machinery for sustainable development.  Especially we need to reduce the amount of waste in wealthy regions while simultaneously securing food and water for those people who do not have no choice in the matter.
Now one of three people suffers from water shortages. More serious aspect of water management is that no water also means no food available. The strong signal of this emerging problem was the 1994 massacres in Rwanda were cause by a matter of food shortages. After this serious water-based crisis we have been warned in many ways about the potential unsustainability problems. There is strong stress to increase food production in the world, because there will be more people on the Earth, about 180 million people more every year.
Ecological footprints of the nations are going to increase, when bigger populations live on the Earth. The key challenge will keep the number of calories at a healthy level while ensuring that we waste muck less. Eco-efficiency is a vital question in this respect. Natural resource conflicts are going to be obvious problems in the Earth, if we do not invest enough in the smart machinery for sustainable development. For example, packing and storing our scarce food supplies can provide promising opportunities to manage the global food supply chains.
Ubiquitous sustainability will be a key challenge when we develop smart machinery of sustainable development. We have many good technical opportunities and tools to use. Probably the problems we face in terms of food, water and other commodities are mostly related to wrong political and economic attitudes rather than overpopulation. 
Ubiquitous technologies provide a broad mix of solutions to sustainability challenges. Critical fields of opportunity are: (1) product design, (2) production systems, (3) home technologies, (4) monitoring technologies, (5) social monitoring technologies, (6) persuasive technologies and (7) personal action home technologies.
Product design provides a tool to designers better incorporate sustainable practices in the design process. Especially Ubicomp solutions enable cradle-to-cradle design of products.
Systemic thinking in infrastructure planning is providing promising approaches to maximise reusability and reducing energy requirements.  Ubicomp technologies can provide and serve as a substitute for more energy-intensive alternatives. For example, when planners plan the urban ecology futures of Vientiane or Phnom Penh metropolitan regions, this kind of ubicomp ideas can be very interesting and useful.
Ubicomp support issues such as monitoring, reconfiguration, and co-evolution of residents and home technologies. In the field of home technologies there is huge potential to save food, water and energy utilities. Especially monitoring and sensor technologies can help people to understand the use energy and other resources. Ubicomp technology can be used to help identify opportunities for changing personal behavior related to energy consumption.
May eco-hacking our homes and neighbourhoods be the next big thing?

Social networking technologies can be used to motivate sustainable behaviour among crowds and networks. People are once again thinking about how they can do more with less. Especially persuasive technologies can be used to encourage more sustainable behaviours. People can be also supported by ubiquitous technologies in their efforts to change their daily practices and reduce resource consumption. Personal action technologies can support personal actions such as protest or subversive resistance to effect change. For example, Ubicomp sensor networks or social sensing can be used to support the environmental justice movement by documenting developing problems or potential misdeeds.
Thus, referring to the potential of ubiquitous sustainability, there are very many possibilities to develop new kinds of systems in urban and rural ecology. We have seen already growing trend of robotics in agricultural production. In the field of recycling new interesting applications of robotics are introduced. The role for robotics in sustainable development is studied actively in sciences.
Of course, industrial robotics is often associated with an unsustainable economic model. However, robotics provides many qualitative benefits through its precision, strength, sensing capabilities and computing power. Could robotics help us to minimise our ecological footprint?
We probably need industrial robotics, service robotics and personal robotics for assisting us towards sustainability. New Ubicomp applications and deployment models can be devised that improve ecological sustainability and quality of life.  These may require new approaches to the designs of robots, robot-using systems and IT systems that employ methods of robotics and AI.
Robotics for sustainable development is an exciting new challenge where research, education and industry in both developed and developing countries can equally contribute and benefit. No wonder, there are many individuals who are passionate about the interaction between UbiComp and environmental sustainability.
The age of smart machines can mean many positive wild cards for sustainable development. A denser network of communications could give people a greater opportunity to participate in the global economy.
Let´s use this global network for better and more sustainable world!

Jari Kaivo-oja
Research director, Adjunct professor, FFRC, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku


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